A note to wonderful beloved souls 🙏🌹
I am here replying to the queries , been receiving Through private message
” how spiritual path will help to heal within ? / How can I heal my respective challenges” ?
Let you all know , iam just a mere messenger of Source 🙏 we are one !
I am sharing as per my own experiences 🙏
Spirituality is not for the faint hearted , because it requires you to face your own shadows and makes you look yourself in your own eye. You have to take accountability of your words of past present future , your actions , creation and state of being. Only someone who is capable of going #within and #confronting their own darkness can break through this matrix , because they have mastery over their inner matrix …we call ACCEPTANCE .
The path will make you work on things which people can’t take away from you — your #character , #personality , #transperancy , your entire being .
Here #Meditation plays a pivotal role , which no one will MEDITATE on your behalf and people who can’t meditate are governed by their ego , because Meditation requires SURRENDERING , and ego is all about controlling.
As by Meditation you surrender to unknown , which leads to fear of losing what you know about yourself and that scares your mind program . So , you have to drop your ego while moving into the infinite space. There is no” SELF ” in Meditation, there is only OBSERVER and INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS .
And no one will change your patterns , no one can break your toxic cycles , neither can confront your ego or heal you on your behalf . This is your journey and yours alone. it requires you to be your own master of your reality , if you wish to create it . Here comes your SOUL’S FREE WILL CHOICE .
And if you step into this path ,
this will lead to INNER HEALING . So , that you can hear others without the filter of your #inner_wounds .
This way you build your spiritual stamina by Everytime breaking a toxic cycle within you , instead of repeating it !!!!🙏🌹
If you are ready then step in ! 🙏
Peace 🙏
Pinky Mishra 🕉️

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