Welcome to my Sunday journal….THE JOURNEY OF AN EMPATH AWAKENED HEART 🙏☀️🌹PAIN !
“Remember, remember, this world is an imperfect place. Don’t be afraid of disasters. They come only to bring out the hidden strength of spirit within you. This life is like a furnace of flame in which the dross that surrounds our souls is to be burned and PURIFIED so that the steel of God’s STRENGTH and WISDOM can come forth.”
Circumstances , situations , people , places , will appear as reflection to heal the unhealed part of you , through their master ways to pave you to evolve …may through pain , suffering , goodness , unconditional love , …… .. !
“When sufferings or trials come in any form , just say, ‘I realize that this is the DIVINE HAND of GOD that is molding me into his immortal child.”
I left with nothing …but to ” TRUST ” the flow with faith and gratitude being surrender 🙏
#spirit_guide #journaling #journey_of_an_empath_awakened_heart #pain #gratitude
Peace 🙏
Pinky mishra

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