Message for all LIGHT WORKERS 🙏🌍✨❤️🌹🕉️
A mass Awakening is happening, so the old karmic patterns created over many lifetimes are coming to surface as their shadow, the fears , dark side .
This virus is forcing us to dig deep within ourselves our greatest fear, worries, anxiety !
Those who are doing their INNER WORK , MEDITATE on daily basis , all their efforts are now going to feed many souls , the humanity towards LIGHT ! 🙏
Through this mass Awakening , being as a LIGHT -WORKER remain CALM , COMPOSED , CENTERED , so as your vibration of LOVE is going to be MORE CONTAGIOUS than the fear of this virus !!!!
Keep sharing your WISDOM , Keep holding and flowing GRACEFULLY in your SPIRITUAL PATH !
This storm is cleaning toxicity in form of all inauthentic and low vibration patterns from our planet !
Stand still , hold eachother with love and kindness !
Nothing can bend when you raise your vibration to LOVE !
HEALING PRAYER for the humanity to raise the vibration 🙏🕉️
Deep gratitude to all Doctors Nurses, who are serving the humanity through this pandemic #corona_virus
#rise_of_light_worker #calling_to_all_light_worker #gratitude #love #release_fear
Peace 🙏
Pinky Mishra
~mere messenger of light .

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