Hello Dear ones 🙏
Just felt to share my experience , by working with few teenagers , and middle aged old souls !
By Divine’s blessings I could tap and dig deep into the fragments of the soul , which causing uncomfortableness in the present growth !
And in many I found ” LACK of PROPER PARENTING in the CHILDHOOD STAGE ”
🔥This shows the soul carries suppressed traumas , suffer from mental and emotional problems.
The suppressed soul create suppressed needs and desires , lack closeness in the connection and end up in codependent , narcissist / self destructive patterns within , feels easily triggered , lack of self worth , insecurity ,lack of trust , lack of comfort and love.
🔥And if the CHILDHOOD growth happened in absence or around a toxic ( disturbed) FATHER 👇
🔥 Then child create the emotion of fear of abandonment , heavy insecurity within , lack of trust in life , get attached to toxic , narcissist , challenged men in life , shame, resentment, fear of losing, unworthy of love and connection gets programmed within !
✨ How to heal this through SELF PARENTING 👇
Make yourself and your inner child to forgive the absence of fatherly presence and reclaim the divinity , work and heal the masculine energy within , Accept men as they are , learn to empower yourself to regain the power , make yourself feel secure , comfort and safe with the practice of ” iam enough ” !
🔥 And if the CHILDHOOD growth happens in the absence or around a toxic ( disturbed) MOTHER 👇
🔥Then the child will lack the capability to self sooth , feels disconnected from feminine energy , block heart center , hide own vulnerability thinking it as weakness , feeling of unworthy , shame , guilt , self created wrong belief behavior patterns , feeding the inner child with the belief that World is a bad place to dwell .
✨How to heal through SELF PARENTING👇
✨Allow and learn to pamper yourself, get connected with your emotions and ACCEPT them without judgment , learn to forgive yourself and ACCEPT that it’s a safe place to dwell and you are very much loved and needed, honour boundaries but don’t deny the genuine connection of affection , face your fear of intimacy , create a safe loving place where you feel loved , practice self love and self nurture !
Hopefully to few it will pour light in their present challenges , kindly look within and step into to heal ownself !
#self_parenting #old_soul #healing #inner_child
Peace 🙏
Pinky Mishra

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