Welcome to my Sunday #journal…. #journey_of_an_empath_awakened_heart 🙏✨
She started her journey with the fear of being ” ALONE ” !
The desire for companionship , love , emotional codependency , attitude of giving and nurturing others .
She anchored to many people , relationships to make them acknowledge that she is capable of nurturing, giving , trust worthy, loyal. But with a deep desire within …….” NEVER LET ME
GO ” !
With years of struggle, challenges of difficulty in receiving the acknowledgement of love who she is , she still anchored to that desire …….” NEVER LET ME GO ” !
Now she is awakened to her realisation , that below her struggles of being not accepted , crying within ….”NEVER LET ME GO ” is the desire and drive to experience the ” LOVE SHE IS ”
She now knows her greatest fulfilment is when her heart is fully opened and her ego dissolves !
In that moment she feels love for herself and the soul infront of her is love !
She loves to love !
She now feels empty of wanting !
Free of self doubt of her ownself !
She has no fear !
She is vulnerable in her expression !
She doesn’t feel to protect her heart !
She has no desire to impress or to prove anything !
She has now lost the hunger to chase or grab or to claim anything anymore !
Through the realisation she lost the longing to be loved , appreciated or acknowledged !
Rather she is filled and feels she is love !
She acknowledging herself as the vessel and overflowing to touch others in her sphere…!
She is realising the desire of …” NEVER LET ME GO ” is nothing but the desire of sacred union of her with her Divine force !
She is stepping into this realisation with ecstasy !
Her whole body is vibrating with sweetness, gentle sensation of light !
She is viewing the whole world in the eyes of compassionate mother !
And becoming fully aware that each and everyone is her own reflection !
Separation for her is now an illusion !
She feels everything is now sacred , precious , all learning are worth !
All are worthy and adorable !
Though in human incarnation, she STILL sometimes struggle because of her ego , for the desire of ….” NEVER LET ME GO ” , she now prefer to step into silence and observe the flow and practice ” let go ” of her fear !
She now releasing the false program of her desire within and open to step into her path …where she is meant to merge in oneness , where the fear of …..” NEVER LET ME GO ” merge with the union of her with her Divine force !!!!
She is working within everyday to RELEASE the fear of …..” NEVER LET ME GO” !
#journal #journey_of_an_empath_awakened_heart
Peace 🙏
Pinky Mishra
~ journey of an empath awakened Heart .

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