Welcome to my Sunday journal…the JOURNEY OF AN EMPATH AWAKENED HEART πŸ™πŸŒž
After my Meditation , sitting under clear blue sky of Sunday morning ,I just looked down the street, it’s completely lone , no movement, no sound of vehicles…. complete stop !
Fear of corona virus has shaked everyone terribly !
Many states including my country are locked down, people are quarantine at their home . A collapse is expected both individual countries financial stability and our global economy !
I simply surrender to my Angels , my spirit guides and merged to see, that this adversity is reflection of many important lessons for us …!! Isn’t it ??
It making us to learn GRATITUDE deeply ,
Many of us till now has taken their health as granted , but this situation is making us to be grateful for living and breathing alive in this moment …it itself is a ” BLESSING ”
Grateful to Nurses, doctors , scientists , groceries,
, shopkeepers , friends, family, siblings, who are with us as support in this moment.
It has made us realize inspite of all differences, we are cooperating and standing with each other’s at this moment !
Gratitude for filling the differences πŸ™
FEAR is making us
aware that , Survival doesn’t make us worth through your material possessions , rather through your virtues .
The virtue of kindness, compassion , understanding is very much needed at this moment πŸ™
This virus made us “acknowledge the power of NATURE ”
We may be most advanced species on earth , but have to abide by the laws of nature ! Respect the nature otherwise it’s consequences can destroy the survival of mankind πŸ™
This fear of virus made us realize how STRONG
we can be ….we are warrior souls within , have potential to fight the crisis. In time of adversity when fear surfaced , we are getting the opportunity to be COURAGEOUS to fight πŸ™
GOOD and BAD times are part of our journey !
We are wise enough to celebrate good and strong enough to fight bad times !
The universe is trying to say us …let’s fill yourself with love and light and inner peace , you will find the contentment and happiness that you seek . Remain alert and aware , trust your heart ! Stay in alignment / faith with your higherself and choose your intention and action accordingly πŸ™. Fear has no place…step into love !!!!
Holding these emotions , my heart opened with gratitude πŸ™
Sending you all my love and good wishes !
We are connected and one family πŸ™
#journal #journey_of_an_empath_awakened_heart #lessons_of_corona_virus
Peace πŸ™
Pinky Mishra πŸ•‰οΈ

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Message for all LIGHT WORKERS πŸ™πŸŒβœ¨β€οΈπŸŒΉπŸ•‰οΈ
A mass Awakening is happening, so the old karmic patterns created over many lifetimes are coming to surface as their shadow, the fears , dark side .
This virus is forcing us to dig deep within ourselves our greatest fear, worries, anxiety !
Those who are doing their INNER WORK , MEDITATE on daily basis , all their efforts are now going to feed many souls , the humanity towards LIGHT ! πŸ™
Through this mass Awakening , being as a LIGHT -WORKER remain CALM , COMPOSED , CENTERED , so as your vibration of LOVE is going to be MORE CONTAGIOUS than the fear of this virus !!!!
Keep sharing your WISDOM , Keep holding and flowing GRACEFULLY in your SPIRITUAL PATH !
This storm is cleaning toxicity in form of all inauthentic and low vibration patterns from our planet !
Stand still , hold eachother with love and kindness !
Nothing can bend when you raise your vibration to LOVE !
HEALING PRAYER for the humanity to raise the vibration πŸ™πŸ•‰οΈ
Deep gratitude to all Doctors Nurses, who are serving the humanity through this pandemic #corona_virus
#rise_of_light_worker #calling_to_all_light_worker #gratitude #love #release_fear
Peace πŸ™
Pinky Mishra
~mere messenger of light .

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Hello Dear ones πŸ™
Just felt to share my experience , by working with few teenagers , and middle aged old souls !
By Divine’s blessings I could tap and dig deep into the fragments of the soul , which causing uncomfortableness in the present growth !
And in many I found ” LACK of PROPER PARENTING in the CHILDHOOD STAGE ”
πŸ”₯This shows the soul carries suppressed traumas , suffer from mental and emotional problems.
The suppressed soul create suppressed needs and desires , lack closeness in the connection and end up in codependent , narcissist / self destructive patterns within , feels easily triggered , lack of self worth , insecurity ,lack of trust , lack of comfort and love.
πŸ”₯And if the CHILDHOOD growth happened in absence or around a toxic ( disturbed) FATHER πŸ‘‡
πŸ”₯ Then child create the emotion of fear of abandonment , heavy insecurity within , lack of trust in life , get attached to toxic , narcissist , challenged men in life , shame, resentment, fear of losing, unworthy of love and connection gets programmed within !
✨ How to heal this through SELF PARENTING πŸ‘‡
Make yourself and your inner child to forgive the absence of fatherly presence and reclaim the divinity , work and heal the masculine energy within , Accept men as they are , learn to empower yourself to regain the power , make yourself feel secure , comfort and safe with the practice of ” iam enough ” !
πŸ”₯ And if the CHILDHOOD growth happens in the absence or around a toxic ( disturbed) MOTHER πŸ‘‡
πŸ”₯Then the child will lack the capability to self sooth , feels disconnected from feminine energy , block heart center , hide own vulnerability thinking it as weakness , feeling of unworthy , shame , guilt , self created wrong belief behavior patterns , feeding the inner child with the belief that World is a bad place to dwell .
✨How to heal through SELF PARENTINGπŸ‘‡
✨Allow and learn to pamper yourself, get connected with your emotions and ACCEPT them without judgment , learn to forgive yourself and ACCEPT that it’s a safe place to dwell and you are very much loved and needed, honour boundaries but don’t deny the genuine connection of affection , face your fear of intimacy , create a safe loving place where you feel loved , practice self love and self nurture !
Hopefully to few it will pour light in their present challenges , kindly look within and step into to heal ownself !
#self_parenting #old_soul #healing #inner_child
Peace πŸ™
Pinky Mishra

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Calling in all HEALERS , SHAMANIC , SENSITIVE SOULS , EMPATHS, WISE SOULS, LIGHTWORKERS , STAR SEEDS , GATEKEEPERS , EARTH ANGELS , BROTHERS and SISTERS.. …let’s gather right now ( where ever you are at this moment ) with all energies , with the intention of
” HEALING and HEALTH ” to all beings accross the world , radiate LOVE to each other with healing intention and allow to radiate to our mother Earth πŸ™.
The more you focus on highest service rendered with love at this moment , the less time you will have to worry or to allow fear to cripple your mind to pull your frequency down !!!
Rather BE THE CHANGE … through your strong WILL POWER πŸ’ͺ , spread the vibes of love and light !
We are through massive REBIRTH energy to grow into a much higher version of YOU !
If you are feeling low , confused , health wise uncomfortable , fearful , then just connect to your HEART SPACE to call in God source , Angels , to navigate you and allow the Healing frequency to flow in each cell of your body , to claim PURITY and OPTIMUM HEALTH within !!!πŸ™β€οΈπŸ™Œβœ¨
We are BLESSED πŸ™
Prayer sent to each and every individual to shine love and release fear ❣️
Kindly put encouraging comments as prayer , to raise the vibration of mass πŸ™βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨. Love has no place for fear 🌹
Grateful for joining the prayer πŸ™.
#stepping_to_power #no_place_for_fear #corona_virus
Peace πŸ™
Pinky Mishra
~ A mere messenger of Source ❀️

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Welcome to my Sunday #journal…. #journey_of_an_empath_awakened_heart πŸ™βœ¨
She started her journey with the fear of being ” ALONE ” !
The desire for companionship , love , emotional codependency , attitude of giving and nurturing others .
She anchored to many people , relationships to make them acknowledge that she is capable of nurturing, giving , trust worthy, loyal. But with a deep desire within …….” NEVER LET ME
GO ” !
With years of struggle, challenges of difficulty in receiving the acknowledgement of love who she is , she still anchored to that desire …….” NEVER LET ME GO ” !
Now she is awakened to her realisation , that below her struggles of being not accepted , crying within ….”NEVER LET ME GO ” is the desire and drive to experience the ” LOVE SHE IS ”
She now knows her greatest fulfilment is when her heart is fully opened and her ego dissolves !
In that moment she feels love for herself and the soul infront of her is love !
She loves to love !
She now feels empty of wanting !
Free of self doubt of her ownself !
She has no fear !
She is vulnerable in her expression !
She doesn’t feel to protect her heart !
She has no desire to impress or to prove anything !
She has now lost the hunger to chase or grab or to claim anything anymore !
Through the realisation she lost the longing to be loved , appreciated or acknowledged !
Rather she is filled and feels she is love !
She acknowledging herself as the vessel and overflowing to touch others in her sphere…!
She is realising the desire of …” NEVER LET ME GO ” is nothing but the desire of sacred union of her with her Divine force !
She is stepping into this realisation with ecstasy !
Her whole body is vibrating with sweetness, gentle sensation of light !
She is viewing the whole world in the eyes of compassionate mother !
And becoming fully aware that each and everyone is her own reflection !
Separation for her is now an illusion !
She feels everything is now sacred , precious , all learning are worth !
All are worthy and adorable !
Though in human incarnation, she STILL sometimes struggle because of her ego , for the desire of ….” NEVER LET ME GO ” , she now prefer to step into silence and observe the flow and practice ” let go ” of her fear !
She now releasing the false program of her desire within and open to step into her path …where she is meant to merge in oneness , where the fear of …..” NEVER LET ME GO ” merge with the union of her with her Divine force !!!!
She is working within everyday to RELEASE the fear of …..” NEVER LET ME GO” !
#journal #journey_of_an_empath_awakened_heart
Peace πŸ™
Pinky Mishra
~ journey of an empath awakened Heart .

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Don’t think that when you walk the sacred path , that you will not be challenged or tested , definitely you will be …we will all go through levels of , levels of PURIFICATION to release those program which no longer serves our highest for our soul expansion !
Being through this journey , I do acknowledge these shifts and quiet aware of it’s unfoldings…
I listen to the shift ..
When it speed up , I slow down ….
My aura shifts …
I welcome the change , which creates waves in my inner and outer world .. ..
I quiet myself …..
I express less through this phase……
I gathered myself.. ..
I become precise…..
I embrace my heart feelings. ….
I address my feminine side more through this phase….
I embrace the compassionate listener within me …..
Meditate more…..
Connect nature more ….
Make myself away from technology…..
Hold my vulnerability with deep understanding…. …
Connect within, feel the ME in ME !
Honour the nudges within to clear my vessel, to allow the New energy to step in ME !
I feel myself save in the rhythm and flow of ever changing life !
As sacred path is always through challenges..!
#sunday_journal #journey_of_an_empath_awakened_heart #shifts
Pinky Mishra πŸ•‰οΈβœ¨

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